Holy CRAP. My first blog post. I really didn't think my first blog post would be me chit chatting about dad gifts but here we are. The timing is perfect and I had an urge to write so let's see where this takes us. First I will preface this with an introductory Hi! I'm Chelsea! From Chelsdrawsyou. I create magic er, custom portraits for people all over the world and I freaking LOVE it! I'm also a graphic designer - so adding those special touches like text to your custom portraits is a breeze for me. Spoiler alert: we will be adding branding & graphic design services very soon - email me if you can't wait for that okay?!
Let's get started! I feel like Dads are relatively easy to shop for in the sense that they are more laid back and aren't going to throw a fit if you got them something they already own. I think we deserve to treat our Father's day or his birthday as if it was our own, yah? So let's step away from the generic toolbox, socks and underwear and get a little more sentimental yah? Dads cry too you know!
A special memorial piece, commemorating a very loved California Firefighter with his son, dad and best friend.
Granted I am a bit guilty in this department - I recently bought a "Dad Jokes" book on Amazon which was a HUGE hit and can be purchased down below, I always wish to find something a bit more personal. Over the past three years I have been in business I have seen a HUGE increase in custom portraits for men. More specifically for Father's Day and birthday gifts - probably because 75% of my clients are female and we know how to shop for the men in our lives! But for those of you who haven't purchased a custom portrait from me yet let me break it down for you.
I've tried to make this as convenient as possible for you so naturally this won't take too long.
1. Find the perfect picture of the man in your life. It doesn't have to be superior quality - it could be a scanned photo from the 70s! Just get it on that computer okay?
2. Head to my Custom Portrait Product Page
3. Tell me the amount of people or pets in the picture. Yes, people count as pets. That being said, if you are asking me to draw a Guinea Pig ( or some other small animal ) — email or DM me on instagram or facebook and let's chat about it! I'm nice I swear! If I'm adding a house that will also be a bit extra. Houses are very time consuming but totally worth it!
4. Tell me about the picture. I want to know everything (if you'll let me). The more I know the better I can get this picture right so add any changes you deem necessary and include any text you would like on the photo. Dates are especially popular on custom pieces and I work with you to figure out the best font. Calligraphy fonts are my most widely used.
5. Upload that image! Along with two additional reference images. Honestly, the more the better so if you still have more to send me - send them via email after you have placed your order!
6. Add to cart and checkout, within 7-10 business days I will send you
- 5x7 print file
- 8x10 print file
- web quality file
You're probably asking me why I send digital ONLY. Well, I have clients all over the world and to keep things nice and quick I send digital files only. I'm not going to pretend I know how you want to print your piece and I also have no desire to make you pay for extra copies. Having the print file allows you to print as many copies as you want, whenever you want! It also keeps me out of the post office — one day I swear I will ship something!
You can then print and frame your piece however you like! I have added some frames below that I LOVE and are easy on the wallet at the bottom of the page with my other shoutouts!
Lastly, I'm adding some past Chelsdrawsyou pieces which truly touch my heart and can hopefully inspire the piece you want to create for that man in your life! Please feel free to leave comments below and let me know what you think of my first blog post! I'd also love to hear what you would get drawn for the dude in you life.
Talk soon!
xo Chels